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Hello. Only today. Price $350 |
Databases 700million email addresses. All World. |
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Thursday, January 30, 2020
Hello. Only today Databases 700million email addresses.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
CONTACT:Mr. Lauran Paul
Dear friend
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family?, You may not understand why this mail came to you. But if you do not remember me, you might have receive an email from me in the past regarding a multi-million-dollar business proposal which we never concluded.
I am using this opportunity to inform you that this multi-million-dollar business has been concluded with the assistance of another partner from Sweden who financed the transaction to a logical conclusion. I thank you for your great effort to our unfinished transfer of fund into your account due to one reason or the other best known to you.
But I want to inform you that I have successfully transferred the funds out of my bank to my new partner's account in India that was capable of assisting me in this great venture. Due to your effort,sincerity,courage and trust worthiness You showed during the course of the transaction.I want to compensate you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of US$10,200,000.00. I have left a Bank Draft for you worth of US$10,200,000.00 cash able anywhere in the world.
My dear friend I will like you to contact my Account Officer Mr.Lauran Paul on his direct email address at [] to facilitate the collection of your Bank Draft. I authorized him to release the Bank Draft to you whenever you contact him regarding for it. At the moment, I'm very busy here because of the investment projects, which I and the new partner are having at hand.
Please I will like you to accept this token in good faith as this is from the bottom of my heart,Also please comply with Paul's directives so that he will send the draft to you without any delay.
CONTACT:Mr. Lauran Paul
Account Officer, Cotonou,
Benin Republic,
His email
Therefore, you should send him directly your full information as stated below:
1.Your full Name
2.Your correct mailing address
3.Mobile Phone
7.A copy of Identity
Hoping to hear from you and kindly contact him through his email:
Thanks & Best Regards,
Mrs. Hannah Magaitis
Have a nice day
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family?, You may not understand why this mail came to you. But if you do not remember me, you might have receive an email from me in the past regarding a multi-million-dollar business proposal which we never concluded.
I am using this opportunity to inform you that this multi-million-dollar business has been concluded with the assistance of another partner from Sweden who financed the transaction to a logical conclusion. I thank you for your great effort to our unfinished transfer of fund into your account due to one reason or the other best known to you.
But I want to inform you that I have successfully transferred the funds out of my bank to my new partner's account in India that was capable of assisting me in this great venture. Due to your effort,sincerity,courage and trust worthiness You showed during the course of the transaction.I want to compensate you and show my gratitude to you with the sum of US$10,200,000.00. I have left a Bank Draft for you worth of US$10,200,000.00 cash able anywhere in the world.
My dear friend I will like you to contact my Account Officer Mr.Lauran Paul on his direct email address at [] to facilitate the collection of your Bank Draft. I authorized him to release the Bank Draft to you whenever you contact him regarding for it. At the moment, I'm very busy here because of the investment projects, which I and the new partner are having at hand.
Please I will like you to accept this token in good faith as this is from the bottom of my heart,Also please comply with Paul's directives so that he will send the draft to you without any delay.
CONTACT:Mr. Lauran Paul
Account Officer, Cotonou,
Benin Republic,
His email
Therefore, you should send him directly your full information as stated below:
1.Your full Name
2.Your correct mailing address
3.Mobile Phone
7.A copy of Identity
Hoping to hear from you and kindly contact him through his email:
Thanks & Best Regards,
Mrs. Hannah Magaitis
Have a nice day
Friday, January 03, 2020
Sěcuříty ňøtícě. Søměøňě håvě åccěss tø yøuř systěm.
Í åm å håcker whø hås åccess tø yøür øpěråtíng systěm.
Í ålsø håvě full åccěss tø yøür åccøüňt.
Í'vě běěn wåtchíng yøü før å fěw mønths nøw.
Thě fåct ís thåt yøü wěrě ínfěctěd wíth målwårě thrøügh ån ådült sítě thåt yøü vísítěd.
Íf yøü årě nøt fåmílíår wíth thís, Í wíll ěxplåín.
Trøjån Vírüs gívěs mě füll åccěss ånd cøntrøl øvěr å cømpütěr ør øthěr děvícě.
Thís měåns thåt Í cån sěě ěvěrythíng øn yøür scrěěn, türn øn thě cåměrå ånd mícrøphøně, büt yøü dø nøt knøw åbøüt ít.
Í ålsø håvě åccěss tø åll yøür cøntåcts ånd åll yøür cørrěspønděncě.
Why yøür åntívírüs díd nøt detěct målwårě?
Ånswěr: My målwårě üsěs thě drívěr, Í üpdåtě íts sígnåtürěs ěvěry 4 høürs sø thåt yøür åntívírüs ís sílěnt.
Í mådě å víděø shøwíng høw yøü såtísfy yøürsělf ín thě lěft hålf øf thě scrěěn, ånd ín thě ríght hålf yøü sěe thě víděø thåt yøü wåtchěd. Wíth øně clíck øf thě møüsě,
Í cån sěnd thís víděø tø åll yøür ěmåíls ånd cøntåcts øn søcíål nětwørks. Í cån ålsø pøst åccěss tø åll yøür ě-måíl cørrěspønděncě ånd měssěngěrs thåt yøü üsě.
Íf yøü wånt tø prěvěnt thís, trånsfěr thě åmøünt øf $1500(USD) tø my bítcøín åddrěss (íf yøü dø nøt knøw høw tø dø thís, wrítě tø Gøøglě: 'Büy Bítcøín').
My bítcøín åddrěss (BŤC Wållět) ís: 19A5rdrxb4MREtyGWo944uRoNDBxBPNNG8
Åftěr rěcěívíng thě påyměnt, Í wíll dělětě thě víděø ånd yøü wíll něvěr hěår mě ågåín.
Í gívě yøü 48 høürs tø påy.
Í håvě å nøtícě rěådíng thís lěttěr, ånd thě tíměr wíll wørk whěn yøü sěě thís lěttěr.
Fílíng å cømplåínt søměwhěrě døěs nøt måkě sěnsě běcåüsě thís ěmåíl cånnøt bě tråckěd líkě my bítcøín åddrěss.
Í dø nøt måkě åny míståkěs.
Íf Í fínd thåt yøü håvě shårěd thís měssågě wíth søměøně ělse, thě víděø wíll bě ímmědíåtěly dístríbütěd.
Běst rěgårds!
Í åm å håcker whø hås åccess tø yøür øpěråtíng systěm.
Í ålsø håvě full åccěss tø yøür åccøüňt.
Í'vě běěn wåtchíng yøü før å fěw mønths nøw.
Thě fåct ís thåt yøü wěrě ínfěctěd wíth målwårě thrøügh ån ådült sítě thåt yøü vísítěd.
Íf yøü årě nøt fåmílíår wíth thís, Í wíll ěxplåín.
Trøjån Vírüs gívěs mě füll åccěss ånd cøntrøl øvěr å cømpütěr ør øthěr děvícě.
Thís měåns thåt Í cån sěě ěvěrythíng øn yøür scrěěn, türn øn thě cåměrå ånd mícrøphøně, büt yøü dø nøt knøw åbøüt ít.
Í ålsø håvě åccěss tø åll yøür cøntåcts ånd åll yøür cørrěspønděncě.
Why yøür åntívírüs díd nøt detěct målwårě?
Ånswěr: My målwårě üsěs thě drívěr, Í üpdåtě íts sígnåtürěs ěvěry 4 høürs sø thåt yøür åntívírüs ís sílěnt.
Í mådě å víděø shøwíng høw yøü såtísfy yøürsělf ín thě lěft hålf øf thě scrěěn, ånd ín thě ríght hålf yøü sěe thě víděø thåt yøü wåtchěd. Wíth øně clíck øf thě møüsě,
Í cån sěnd thís víděø tø åll yøür ěmåíls ånd cøntåcts øn søcíål nětwørks. Í cån ålsø pøst åccěss tø åll yøür ě-måíl cørrěspønděncě ånd měssěngěrs thåt yøü üsě.
Íf yøü wånt tø prěvěnt thís, trånsfěr thě åmøünt øf $1500(USD) tø my bítcøín åddrěss (íf yøü dø nøt knøw høw tø dø thís, wrítě tø Gøøglě: 'Büy Bítcøín').
My bítcøín åddrěss (BŤC Wållět) ís: 19A5rdrxb4MREtyGWo944uRoNDBxBPNNG8
Åftěr rěcěívíng thě påyměnt, Í wíll dělětě thě víděø ånd yøü wíll něvěr hěår mě ågåín.
Í gívě yøü 48 høürs tø påy.
Í håvě å nøtícě rěådíng thís lěttěr, ånd thě tíměr wíll wørk whěn yøü sěě thís lěttěr.
Fílíng å cømplåínt søměwhěrě døěs nøt måkě sěnsě běcåüsě thís ěmåíl cånnøt bě tråckěd líkě my bítcøín åddrěss.
Í dø nøt måkě åny míståkěs.
Íf Í fínd thåt yøü håvě shårěd thís měssågě wíth søměøně ělse, thě víděø wíll bě ímmědíåtěly dístríbütěd.
Běst rěgårds!
Thursday, January 02, 2020
Hello. Only today Databases 700million email addresses.
To unsubscribe send us an email with the topic 'unsubscribe' |
Hello. Only today. Price $350 |
Databases 700million email addresses. All World. |
No cheating. First a database, then money. |
Write now and get a holiday discount. | |
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