Wednesday, September 30, 2020


お支払い方法の情報を更新してください。Update default card for your membership.
マイストア? | タイムセール? | ギフト券

Аmazon に登録いただいたお客様に、Аmazon アカウントの情報更新をお届けします。 残念ながら、Аmazon のアカウントを更新できませんでした。 今回は、カードが期限切れになってるか、請求先住所が変更されたなど、さまざまな理由でカードの情報を更新できませんでした。 


なお、24時間以内にご確認がない場合、誠に申し訳ございません、お客様の安全の為、アカウントの利用制限をさせていただきますので、予めご了承ください。 アカウントに登録のEメールアドレスにアクセスできない場合カスタマーサービス


Monday, September 28, 2020



ご贈与した金額がお客様のアカウントのAmazonギフト券残高に登録されました 、個人情報を更新してご使用ください


¥50000 チャージ金額 




ギフト券残高をチェック のまたのご利用をお待ちしております。



Sunday, September 27, 2020

Quick business and personal finance

Corporate Financial Lending Management
           Don't Be Financially Lockdown

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Your Full Name *          Surname *       ID Number *        Cell No      Email Address *       Nationality *

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During this lockdown period will always do our best to determine what you can comfortably afford to repay by taking your current personal financial circumstances into consideration and then set your loan amount accordingly.

Refer to the Options Table below which was calculated @4.5% P.A Personal Loan as a mere guide. Choose the instalment and loan term that suits you.



24 Months

Total amount 

36 Months

Total amount 

48 Months

Total amount 

60 Months

Total amount

R 5 000


R 5,450


R 5,675


R 5,900


R 6,125

R 15 000

R 681.25

R 16,350


R 17,025


R 17,700


R 18,375

R 30 000


R 32,700


R 34,050


R 35,400

R 612.50

R 36,750

R 60 000

R 2,724

R 65,400 


R 68,100


R 70,800


R 73,500

R 80 000


R 87,200


R 90,800


R 94,400


R 98,000

R 100 000






R 118,00



R 120 000

R 5,450





R 141,600


R 147,000

Corporate Financial Lending Management(Pty) Company Reg. 2006/160088/45/FSP
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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A Wild Side Quest Appears

I spent a few days training on Route 11 with Shakespear, Royal and Dustin. I really wanted Royal to evolve before moving on to my next challenge in the Kanto region. I felt strongly that he and Dustin were about to replace Arnold as my star Pokémon, but they weren't ready for that yet. Dustin's only ability when I met him was to put opponents to sleep. As I knew from working with Arnold, that was incredibly useful, but also required you to actually harm your opponent to win a match. Royal could now slap his body into his opponent's body, but I really needed more than flopping around like a fish out of water before I could rely on him.
My training was interrupted after a few days by one of Professor Oak's lab technicians. Royal had just finished tackling and scaring off a wild Ekans when I saw him approaching, his lab coat flapping around his waist in the breeze. I stooped down to rub Royal's scales and watched as the aide approached. He looked utterly exhausted and completely out of his element out on the road and not behind a microscope.
"Fox!" he called out to me. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"
"Here I am," I smiled weakly.
"Professor Oak hasn't heard from you in a while. Don't you check your emails?" The aide had a brief angry look cross his face. "Well, never mind that. I can see you're busy with training and research. Can I see your Pokédex?" he asked and extended a hand. I stood up and Royal began to flop around aimlessly. I pulled the Pokédex  out of my back pocket and handed it to the lab tech. He pushed a few buttons and nodded to himself while I wondered what this was all about. "I see your work is coming along nicely. The Professor wanted me to make a detailed report on your progress. He also wanted me to give you this." He handed me back the Pokédex and pulled a strange device out of his lab coat.
"What is this?" I asked as I took the two-pronged instrument from his hands.
"The Professor calls that an Item Finder." He laughed. "Pretty simple, right? Basically it will light up when you are near a Pokémon enhancing item." He held out a small technical machine and the lights on the end began to flash brightly. "It's designed to pick up on the subtle radio waves… well, you don't need the boring details. The gift comes at a small cost, however. Professor Oak wants you to head to Lavender Town to do some research there. There have been some very strange sightings in that town and we believe Pokémon are involved."
"I don't understand," I admitted. Surely, I could just bike over to Lavender Town and there was no need for this strange contraption.
"The only way into Lavender Town these days is through the Rock Tunnel and to get through the Rock Tunnel, the Professor believes you will need to teach one of your Pokémon the hidden move called Flash. And well, you see, the thing is… the Hidden Machine that will teach Pokémon Flash was lost while doing research at the far end of Diglett Cave." He stammered to get out the last sentence. I could tell it was his fault the machine was lost and finding me was his penance.
"So let me get this straight," I began. "I need to use the Item Finder and head through Diglett's Cave. Once I find the HM Flash, I need to head to the Rock Tunnel and take that path to Lavender Town to investigate something for Professor Oak." This felt like a real round-about way to get somewhere. Diglett's Cave would dump me out near Pewter City in western Kanto, and Lavender Town was about as far east as you could get and still be in the Kanto region. Still, I owed the Pokémon Professor a great deal of gratitude and I was out here doing his field testing on the Pokédex. I didn't feel I had much of a choice. At first I was a bit irritated, but after the aide had dismissed himself I began to think Diglett's Cave might be a great place to train up Royal. There was some silver lining after all.

I had been given what you might call a side quest. At the risk of being too brief, I don't want to bore you with all the details. I biked over to Diglett's Cave and began my trek through with Royal tackling any curious Diglett or Dugtrio that came to protect their territory. I affixed the Item Finder to the handlebars of my bike and carefully and slowly walked the bicycle from one end of this narrow little tunnel to the other. Along the way, something equal parts amazing and claustrophobia inducing happened - Royal evolved from a silly, little Magikarp into a massive, intimidating Gyrados. Digletts, beware! This massive monster filled up the entirety of the tunnel! It was spectacular. Now,  Royal was the master and he would take Dustin under his wing and guide his training alongside me.
I found HM Flash as well as a surprise Technical Machine (TM) that taught Pokémon the move Dream Eater. While Hidden Machines had the capacity to teach moves repeatedly, Technical Machines at the time did not. Dustin was the easy and obvious choice for Dream Eater. After lulling Pokémon to sleep with his powers of Hypnosis, he could then feed on their hopes and fears with this devastating psychic attack. Unfortunately, he was also the only Pokémon on my roster who was able to learn Flash and so Flash he would learn - a move I would come to regret.
I emerged from Diglett's Cave on the Pewter City side. I spent a day there recovering. I had a nice visit with Rascal Sr. at the Pewter City Pokémon Gym where he was thriving. I can't believe a month has passed since I was last in Pewter saying goodbye to Rascal Sr. So much had changed since then! I was tempted to challenge him to a battle against Rascal Jr., but I really didn't want to waste too much time in Pewter City when Professor Oak was counting on me to head to Lavender Town. So the next day, I biked over to Cerulean City. I left a small food offering for Nibbles as I passed Mount Moon, but I'll never know if he found it. I really missed that guy. Beyond Cerulean City was the rocky path up to the Rock Tunnel. I didn't see any wild Pokémon as I quickly pedaled through, but I would be set upon by non-stop Zubats as soon as I set foot inside the pitch black caverns of Rock Tunnel.

Now, I need to get this off my chest. I hate Rock Tunnel. This very moment of this very day all these years later, I still absolutely hate it. I hate that I was in Kanto at a time it was nearly mandatory to pass through to get to Lavender Town - thanks to the Saffron City lockdown and a couple of tremendously frustrating Snorlax. Like Mount Moon, the Rock Tunnel is absolutely infested with Zubat. I love all Pokémon, but my tremendously bad experiences with trying to desperately train Vesper to be worth using in a battle had left me pretty jaded. I couldn't even bring myself to catch another Zubat because Vesper was such a disappointment.
I also want to say that the darkness of Rock Tunnel is the worst. Mount Moon had enough light filtering in from outside combined with lights set up by fossil hunters at famous dig sites that there really weren't many issues finding your way through the twisty tunnels. Rock Tunnel is absolute darkness. Without a Pokémon capable of lighting up like a Christmas tree, you can't see your hand in front of your face. For such a well traversed passage, much like Mount Moon, I couldn't understand why someone didn't think to set up lights along the trail to guide you through this senseless labyrinth of stone.
Which brings me to Hidden Move Flash itself - what a worthless waste of Pokémon talent. No one told me that I wouldn't be able to remove this obstacle from my Pokémon's arsenal of abilities. I was a fresh, young trainer and I didn't know any better. Techniques to delete these hard-wired moves wouldn't be developed for several years yet and so now my Dustin was going to be stuck with Flash for the rest of his days. Hypnosis and Dream Eater were so powerful a combination that there really wasn't much of a need for my tried and true method of lowering accuracy - something Flash actually did better than Kiwi ever could with all his sand attacks. As long as a Pokémon could be hypnotized, Dustin would prevail regardless of their accuracy. And as a result of his tremendous successes, Dustin evolved into a Hypno on our journey through Rock Cave.
I guess all those Zubat were good for something after all.

Current Team:
Attacks in Blue are recently learned.

Bill's Storage: Kiwi (Pidgeotto) & Vesper (Zubat)

Old Man Daycare: Charlie (Pidgey)

Monday, September 21, 2020

Episode 27: From Sea To Shining Sea Is Live!

Episode 27: From sea to shining sea is live!
I talk with Sam Mustafa about the state of the miniatures wargame hobby and rules and miniature development in the US.

The Veteran Wargamer is brought to you by Kings Hobbies and Games

Join the conversation at, email, Twitter @veteranwargamer

Follow Sam on Facebook

Buy Sam's games online

Other companies we mentioned:

The Episode we reference:

Northstar Military FIgures -

Flames of War - Battlefront -

Saga - Studio Tomahawk -

Music courtesy Recorded with Edited with Audacity. Make your town beautiful; get a haircut.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

تخصصات الماجستير الأكاديمي من أعرق الجامعات البريطانية للتواصل على رقم واتس / 00201110231700

الماجستير الاكاديمي من أعرق الجامعات البريطانية

University of Plymouth
Bucks New University
University of Northampton
Arden University
London Metropolitan University

فى التخصصات الاتية
ماجستير الموارد البشرية     Master of Human Resources
ماجستير ادارة الاعمال  Master of Business Administration
ماجستير التسويق  Marketing  Master of
ماجستير المالية Master of Finance

للتسجيل اضغط هنا
لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء الاتصال
أ / ميرفت شاهين
جوال & واتس : 00201110231700 - 00201009306111


تاكيد انعقاد ماجستير ادارة الاعمال – أكتوبر 2020م

السادة المحترمين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يهديكم الاتحاد العربي لتنمية الموارد البشرية أطيب التمنيات ....وحرصاً منا على التواصل المستمر وتقديم كل جديد فإنه يشرفنا دعوتكم للحضور والمشاركة في  برنامج
برنامــــج / ماجستير إدارة الاعمال المهني المصغر
Mini MBA
يقدم بإعتماد جامعـــة ميزوري– الولايــات المتحــدة الأمريكيــة

خلال الفترة من من 4-13 أكتوبر 2020 م
القاهرة – جمهورية مصر العربية
البرنامج ينفذ اونلاين بنفس التاريخ فى حالة عدم استطاعة الحضور

للتسجيل بماجستير إدارة الاعمال المهني المصغر –خلال شهر اكتوبر
للتسجيل اضغط هنا

لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء الاتصال
أ/ ميرفت شاهين
مدير التدريب
جوال & واتس: 00201009306111-00201110231700


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Commercial offer


Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you.
Several months ago, I got access to the device you are using to browse the internet.
Since that time, I have been monitoring your internet activity.

Being a regular visitor of adult websites, I can confirm that it is you who is responsible for this.
To keep it simple, the websites you visited provided me with access to your data.

I’ve uploaded a Trojan horse on the driver basis that updates its signature several times per day, to make it impossible for antivirus to detect it. Additionally, it gives me access to your camera and microphone.
Moreover, I have backed-up all the data, including photos, social media, chats and contacts.

Just recently, I came up with an awesome idea to create the video where you cum in one part of the screen, while the video was simultaneously playing on another screen. That was fun!

Rest assured that I can easily send this video to all your contacts with a few clicks, and I assume that you would like to prevent this scenario.

With that in mind, here is my proposal:
Transfer the amount equivalent to 1500 USD to my Bitcoin wallet, and I will forget about the entire thing. I will also delete all data and videos permanently.

In my opinion, this is a somewhat modest price for my work.
You can figure out how to purchase Bitcoins using search engines like Google or Bing, seeing that it’s not very difficult.

My Bitcoin wallet (BTC): 13dk8JbVeEKGmHq7aevbdVxjg2cHYFT4kg

You have 48 hours to reply and you should also bear the following in mind:

It makes no sense to reply me - the address has been generated automatically.
It makes no sense to complain either, since the letter along with my Bitcoin wallet cannot be tracked.
Everything has been orchestrated precisely.

If I ever detect that you mentioned anything about this letter to anyone - the video will be immediately shared, and your contacts will be the first to receive it. Following that, the video will be posted on the web!

P.S. The time will start once you open this letter. (This program has a built-in timer).

Good luck and take it easy! It was just bad luck, next time please be careful.

شهادة مدير ادارة الموارد البشرية المعتمد ( جامعة ميزوري الامريكية ) للتواصل واتس / 00201110231700


السادة المحترمين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
يهديكم الاتحاد العربي لتنمية الموارد البشرية أطيب التمنيات ....وحرصاً منا على التواصل المستمر وتقديم كل جديد فإنه يشرفنا دعوتكم للحصول على
شهادة مدير ادارة الموارد البشرية المعتمد
Certified Human Resources Manager
تقدم بإعتماد جامعـــة ميزوري– الولايــات المتحــدة الأمريكيــة
خلال الفترة من  25-29  اكتوبر 2020  - مكان الانعقاد ( القاهرة )
– التعرف على مفهوم إدارة الموارد البشرية و الأطر النظرية المنظمة لذلك.
– التعرف على فلسفة و أهداف إدارة الموارد البشرية.
– التعرف على مفهوم الإدارة الاستراتيجية للموارد البشرية و كيفية تنفيذها.
– التعرف على كيفية الصياغة الجيدة لسياسات و استراتيجيات الادارة الفعالة للموارد البشرية.
– دراسة عدد من الحالات لنظم الإدارة الفعالة للموارد البشرية.
– التعرف على عدة مناهج لقياس الكفاءة في ادارة الموارد البشرية الفعالة.
– التعرف على كيفية الإدارة الفعالة للموارد البشرية على أساس الكفاءة .
– التعرف على أهم الممارسات المتعلقة بإدارة الموارد البشرية .
– التفهم لطبيعة المسؤوليات الاجتماعية للشركات و الاستراتيجيات المنظمة لذلك.
– التعرف على سبل تحديد الوظائف و كيفية اختيار الموظفين و الاحتفاظ بهم و سياسات التدريب.المشاركون المستهدفون:
   كافة القيادات الإدارية ورؤساء الإدارات والأقسام والمسئولين عن تخطيط وتنفيذ سياسات وأهداف المنظمة بالجودة المستهدفة وكذلك المرشحين لشغل هذه الوظائف في الإدارات والمؤسسات المختلفة.
   مدراء ومراقبون التطوير الإداري.
   مدراء ورؤساء أقسام التدريب والتطوير.
   مدراء ورؤساء أقسام تنمية الموارد البشرية.
   كافة العاملين والمؤهلون للعمل بإدارات التدريب والتطوير.
   جميع العاملين في مجال التخطيط والمعنيين بعمليه التخطيط الاستراتيجي ومؤشرات قياس الأداء.
   كل من له علاقة بموضوع البرنامج في القطاعين العام والخاص.
رسوم الاشتراك تشمل الاقامة في حالة التنفيذ بالقاهرة
خصم خاص للمجموعات
** ملحوظة **
مع إمكانية تنفيذ البرنامج بطريقة الابحاث او اونلاين فى حالة عدم استطاعة الحضور والمشاركة

للتسجيل اضغط هنا

مع بالغ تقديرنا واعتزازنا
لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء الاتصال
مدير التدريب  أ / ميرفت شاهين
جوال & واتس/ 00201009306111 - 00201110231700